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Weathering the Storm

Weathering the Storm

What does it really mean to be brave when that bone chilling hand of adversity reaches out and threatens your happy existence? To say it feels like a hurricane pounding through every pore of your body is a gross understatement.
When Barney first collapsed in late January of 2019, I was in complete shock. He had been a healthy little boy with absolutely no sign of a dark and looming entity that was now threatening to shorten his time with me.
As I watched Barney from his hospital oxygen chamber for several days, I began to understand exactly how he felt. He was not afraid. He just wanted to see that I was there, feel me caress his little head through the tiniest window and acknowledge his desire to go home where he felt safe. It was a simple and pure revelation that suddenly made complete sense to me.
Barney kept me going when we got back home. He kept me strong even though inwardly, I was terrified. I started preparing mentally as best as I could. Crumbling into a ball was not an option as I would have plenty of time for that later. So instead, I captured loving images and I took videos. Lots of them. I appreciated every extra night of sleep we had, his insatiable desire to eat his Mr. Chicky, the sound of his bark and those extra special Barney kisses. 

As I end my story today, I leave you with this thought. When life throws us a day, a week or month filled with inclement weather, we can be brave and reach for our umbrella and raincoat that sits in our hall closet. The storm will eventually pass, the sun will rise and we will once again be able to bask in its warm and nurturing glow.