I sit on a small felt ottoman located in my bedroom and gaze out of the window. I am desperately searching for something but I have no clue as to what that is so I stay perfectly still.
After what seems to be an eternity, I am suddenly overwhelmed with memories of Barney and his fascination of what life looked like from the inside out.
A simple pane of glass just presented me with the opportunity to look at a situation from an entirely new perspective. It was from this exact moment that I decided I didn’t want to feel isolated or fearful any longer. I wanted to feel connected in every way possible to family, friends, staff and yes, clients too.
Monday started off with a FaceTime call with the Healing Hearts team. We smiled, raised our coffee mugs from our make-shift temporary home offices and embraced an unfamiliar, but new way of conducting business.
Hand written cards of appreciation and wellness kits were now being sent to clients. Simple words like “thank you” and “stay safe” were being spoken louder than ever before to the individuals working in businesses that were still deemed essential.
We were getting a crash course on what it meant to be adaptable. We were learning to work without boundaries in one aspect, while being open to find diverse and unexpected solutions to problems. Without limitations on our thinking and actions, challenges could now become something not to dread, but to seize and enjoy working through.
As I glance out my window one more time, I see my little red cardinal fly by with unwavering grace and determination. I am once again reassured that everything is right with the world.